+32(0) 496 54 49 29 info@focusontalent.eu

Focus on talent practices that very rare attribute that is critical in bringing new talent on board; they actually listen to what their customers are looking for. This results in people matching the requirements, they stay and are successful.

– Director Global Strategic Marketing,
Medical Devices


Case Studies, Simulations and Role-Playing Exercises  – Your support for Assessment and Development

Do you prefer to Assess your candidates or employees yourself?

Focus on Talent also develops Case Studies, Simulations and Role-Playing Exercises that can be used during Assessment and Development Centres. These excercises can be performed in Dutch, French and English.

The exercise programs are tailor-made and adapted to the context and the specific culture of your organization. Indeed, studies show that the predictive validity of Assessment Centres increases as the Simulations better reflect the reality of the position and the workplace. The more realistic the Simulation, the more authentic the behavior of the candidate and the more relevant the recommendations of the Assessment Centre will be.


Case Studies, Simulations and Role-Playing Exercises tailored to your organization

Before developing these exercise programs, we will first discuss with you the specific features characterizing your organization. Next, we will analyze the behavioural skills you require from your employees in general and from the people who will be holding the positions for which the simulations are intended in specific. Finally, we will decide how to measure these skills. This information will enable us to set up the exercise programs in which the specific features of the position or the position level will be recreated in order to develop tailor-made Simulations which will be exclusively used within your organization.

Depending on the features you want to measure, you will have the choice between several types of Simulations, including Analysis- and Presentation exercises, In-basket Exercises, Negotiation Exercises, People Management related Exercises, Group Discussions, etc.


Vlieghavenlaan 13
3140 Keerbergen

+32(0) 496 54 49 29
+32(0) 471 50 45 09

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